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How does “#include” keyword work?

Have you ever wondered :  .#include meaning? .what is “#include” keyword? .How does #include work? we will discuss it. DESCRIPTION #: is a pound sign which helps to pre-process the program before the compilation include: is a simple directive that tells pre-processor to include the library’s data(i.e. function declarations) HOW …

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How to fix : “Error downloading http://arduino…”

When you install the ESP8266 board in Arduino IDE . Some times, you can get an error.  [crayon-66dd04d8b26af764201765/] You can fix the error in 2 ways: Using other networks » delete folder Arduino15 in “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local”   » disconnect current network and using DCOM 3G network. Using other source address » delete folder …

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What’s the difference between notify() and notify(SC_ZERO_TIME)

notify() function dùng để trigger một event. Nó có một vài biến thể dưới đây. notify() :Immediate notification notify(SC_ZERO_TIME) :Delta notification notify(double v, sc_time_unit tu) :Timed notification SystemC notify Thực tế, Delta notification là Timed notification với giá trị thời gian v = 0. Khi một event sử dụng Immediate …

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Unit tests SystemC model with GTest

Base on Google Test, we build a template framework for unit tests systemc model. About some information Google Test, you can refer here By using this framework, you can do unit tests for your model and ensure quality for your product. After download, follow the steps below. Step 1: Copy …

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Verify your code with Google test

What is GTEST? Google Test (also known as gtest for e.g. the ROS environment) is a unit testing library for the C++ programming language, based on the xUnit architecture. The library is released under the BSD 3-clause license. It can be compiled for a variety of POSIX and Windows platforms, allowing unit-testing of C sources as well as C++ with minimal source modification. The …

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When to use “explicit” keyword

Từ khóa explicit trong C++ được sử dụng để đánh dấu các constructor (hàm tạo) để không chuyển đổi ngầm định các loại trong C++. Nó là tùy chọn đối với các hàm tạo nhận chính xác một argument (Nó có 1 đối số hoặc có các giá trị mặc …

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